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Material testing

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 Material testing is divided into
Metal material testing, polymer material testing
Metal material testing

Product CategoryTest typeSpecific project
 < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < br/> < Plate, rod, profile< Segments, castings, and all metal componentsMechanical propertiesTensile, impact, bending, fatigue, compression, shear, cupping, fracture, peeling, welding strength, non-standard mechanics
Chemical composition analysisSteel, non-ferrous metals (OES/ICP/X-Ray/wet titration/energy spectrum analysis/gas elements/spectrophotometry)
Metallographic analysisMicrostructure, grain size, non-metallic inclusions, phase composition content, fracture streamline, macroscopic inspection, hardened layer, welding metallography
HardnessRockwell, Brinell, Vickers, microhardness, Knoop, Leeb, nanohardness, etc
Corrosion performanceCrystal corrosion, stress corrosion, salt spray corrosion, and pitting corrosion
Coating performanceCoating quality, adhesion, coating thickness, corrosion resistance, salt spray corrosion
Microscopic analysisFracture analysis, foreign object analysis, microstructure, etc
Fastener performanceStretching, holding load, wedge load, torque, anti slip, etc
Pipe process performanceExpansion, flattening, curling, static load pressure, etc
Welding evaluation welderWelding Procedure Qualification, Welder Skill Qualification, Welding Procedure Specification

 < Polymer Material Testing

Product CategoryTest typeSpecific project
Plastic materials, rubber materials, coatings and inks, adhesives, composite materials, chemicals, pipe products, cable products, tapes, foam materials, packaging materials, etcPhysical and mechanical propertiesTensile strength/elongation at break, hardness, density, compression performance, tear performance, wear resistance, resilience, impact resistance, brittleness temperature, creep performance
Weather resistance/aging testUV aging, xenon lamp aging, carbon arc aging, infrared aging, ozone aging, High temperature performance, low temperature performance, temperature humidity performance, temperature shock performance, salt spray testing, gas corrosion performance
Thermal performanceHot deformation temperature, Vicat softening temperature, glass transition temperature, melting point, crystallization temperature, thermal stability, melt fringe, ash content
Electrical performanceVolume resistivity, surface resistivity, dielectric strength, withstand voltage, breakdown voltage, insulation resistance, leakage tracking index
Reliable performanceVibration test, mechanical impact, collision test, drop test, dust and water resistance, fatigue test
Component analysisPrincipal Component Qualitative Analysis, Total Component Qualitative Analysis, Simple Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Resin Quantitative Analysis, Latex Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Deep Formula Analysis
LifespanCalculate the service life of materials under specific temperature/stress, predict the highest temperature at which materials can be used for a long time, explore the service life of materials in complex environments, study the application performance and aging mechanism of materials
Combustion testFlame retardant tests such as oxygen index, smoke density test, horizontal combustion test, aging combustion test, etc
Environmental testingHigh and low temperature, temperature and humidity cycling, rapid temperature change, temperature shock, salt spray, gas corrosion, water resistance test
IP protection levelDustproof test, foreign object intrusion test, waterproof test


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